General Manager at a global logistics company, responsible for managing profit and loss statement (PNL), sales and account management for a multi-billion dollar transportation and logistics company.


The workplace culture surrounding Elliot had become difficult, negative and demoralizing.  As a business leader, Elliot was in the risky position of having to turn it all around -- a daunting task.

Advice & Coaching:

First, Elliot received coaching on how to put his professional challenges in the proper perspective.  This began with a personal inventory of everything in his life which really helped to establish a good gauge for his personal and professional support structure.  Secondly, Mike helped Elliott better understand his innate strengths & weaknesses as a person and leader. With clarity on his support structure and strengths to leverage, Elliot mapped out new communication & team building strategies to make a culture shift.  Further, Mike’s own experiences gave Elliot tangible examples of specific action steps he could take in difficult situations.


A year later, the culture of the team that Elliot leads has done a full 180 degree turnaround!  His professional relationships and emotional intelligence are stronger, and the ‘three-legged stool’ (personal, professional and community) is much more consistently balanced.  Finally, the valuable tools & strategies Elliot has learned from Mike will pay dividends as he endeavors to pass the learnings on to the next generation of leaders.

Over the last 16 years I’ve participated in several leadership development programs that were all helpful in one way or another.  However, I can honestly say Mike’s coaching has been by far the most valuable leadership development experience of my career.
— Elliot Birch, General Manager at a global logistics company