Whether you are an individual contributor who aspires to a career in management, or a seasoned executive leader, these books have great advice for leadership, performance and relationships.
Managers as Mentors
by Chip Bell and Marshall Goldsmith
This book gives first time managers insight in how to be an effective manager beyond the new title they just received. Also gives existing managers role play ideas on different styles they should consider using for employee sceneries that have challenged them in the past.
5 Dysfunctions of a Team
by Patrick Lencioni
Teams cannot attain maximum working efficiency without dealing with dysfunctional employees. This book gives real life examples of how to manage and lead dysfunctional employee scenarios.
How Successful People Lead
by John Maxwell
The book outlines 5 levels of leadership. The author walks people thru how personal leadership is and how it affects a person and a team of people. The book clearly describes the differences in a title driven manager and a true leader of people.
Nuts! Southwest Airlines’ Crazy Recipe for Business and Personal Success
By Kevin Freiberg and Jackie Freiberg
This is an autobiography of Herb Kelleher, the founder of Southwest Airlines. Herb gives readers an in-depth look at the managerial and leadership challenges of building a new business from ground zero. Mr. Kelleher uses great leadership skills and a keen sense of humor to overcome political and large competitive challenges.
Strengths Finder
By Tom Rath
Highly recommended for smaller teams, this book and its tutorial/assessments help identify your unique strengths, and how you can bring them to bear in influencing the direction of a team.